Thursday, May 6, 2021


Mutations are important for evolution because of their ability to form a new genetic variant (allele) that can be spread to the offspring. If a new variant of a trait formed by a mutation is advantageous and helps the organism to survive and reproduce, it is going to be favourable by natural selection.Correct Answer: A Explanation/Reference: ExplanationWhich of the following correctly describes credit terms of 2/10, n/30? A two percent discount for early payment is available if the invoice is paid before the tenth day of the month following the month the sale.You need to describe how your skills, knowledge and experience match the job outline, while also explaining your motivation and goals. Example answer: I have always wanted to work as an exhibition designer for a museum that embraces cultural changes and provides a sensory experience for its...The statement describes a business's revenue and expenses over a period of time. 52. The area of accounting that serves the decision-making needs of internal users is 53.Which statement(s) below define(s) why accounting information is useful? (check all that apply.) it is helpful in comparing the...

Which statement correctly describes the importance and role of...

Which statement describes the concept of cloud computing? separation of operating system from hardware. Which statement describes a characteristic of cloud computing? Devices can connect to the Internet through existing electrical wiring.Which of the following statements correctly relate to explicit and tacit knowledge? D. There is a greater chance of entrepreneurship. Which of the following best describes the cultural web? A. A representation of the politics in an organisation B. A representation of the power in an organisation C...Which Statement correctly describe the iterative nature of project management process groups? Project One stereos were an inexpensive stereo system and if memory servies me correctly, I believe they were made by Akai.Evolution by natural selection proceeds by an accumulation of changes that occur by chance. Front. Advertisement. hide the answer giving you the opportunity to think about the question at hand and answer it in your head or on a sheet before revealing the correct answer to yourself or studying partner.

Which statement correctly describes the importance and role of...

Which of the following statements correctly describes the effect

The role of chance, or "luck", in science comprises all ways in which unexpected discoveries are made. Many domains, especially psychology...3.What is the role of information in this society? 4. According to the text who will have better career chances in the near future and why? 5. What are the possible dangers of wide access to information? 6. What ecologically clean sources of energy do you know?(For the role of word stress in word building see § 595.) § 366. In ME and NE the main direction of the evolution of unstressed vowels was the same as before; even in the pre-written period unstressed vowels had lost many of their former distinctions, namely their differences in quantity as well as some...This animation presents a simplified simulation that illustrates the importance of chance in the evolution of a small, isolated population. This selection (a random draw) is thus done by chance and is not to the profit of a form of flower that is better adapted to its environment.The story described how three traveling princes repeatedly made discoveries about things that they had not planned to explore or that surprised them. The list of serendipitous discoveries in science is very long. In this article, I'll describe just a small selection of the ones that have been made so far.


Which of the following statements is right?


Answer & Explanation Answer: D) A DNA molecule is made up of two lengthy polynucleotide strands forming a double helical structure (double helix) similar to a spiral staircase


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