Jason: Top 25 German Questions You Need to Know - Lesson 1: What's your name? in German (In each lesson of this 25 part series, you'll master a Master the following pattern and responses to the question What's your name?? Rilana: Mein Name ist Kai. Jason: "My name is Kai.. Again, slowly.How to ask what's your name in German and correct ways to respond. But you do not always know when and how to introduce yourself in German and ask for the name? Our overview with interesting videos and sound recordings will help you to quickly understand the difference between formal and...But German names are truly beautiful. Personal names in Germany consist of one or more given names and a surname. A given name or Vorname Below is MomJunction's compilation of German names with meanings. And these aren't modern German names, but names having their roots in...My name is Martin. Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen. Nice to meet you. Das ist Maria. This is Maria. I'm from Germany. Sprichst du Deutsch? Do you speak German? Ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch.No Off-Topic Posts: Submissions which are not about the German language are not permitted. We are a community focused on discussion related to No Personal Attacks or Trolling: Be respectful to fellow posters - name-calling, rudeness & incivility, slurs, vulgarities towards other users, and trolling are not...
How to say what's your name in German - Magiclingua
More Examples of My name is in German. Meinen Namen kennen alle in meiner Schule. Have a question or comment about My name is in German? Let us know ! Looking for something a bit more visual?Get your free German Training (with real-life dialogues!) and learn about my 3Plus1 German Academy here: learngermanwithanja.com FOLGE You can now help me by writing subtitles in YOUR language for my videos (You can practice German at the same time and get mentioned under my...My name is Miss Seeger. I am Mr Hughes' secretary at the American Embassy. I would like to arrange/make an appointment for him with Dr Kettler. Great. My name is Fielding. We will be arriving at six o'clock. Schön, ich heiße Fielding. Wir kommen dann um sechs Uhr.An appropriate German name is one that is first recognised as a proper name. It cannot be associated with evil (e.g. Satan, Lucifer) or deemed religiously German girls' names tend to change in popularity more frequently than the boys and so certain traditional names on the list may not be as common or...

2634 Pure German Baby Names For Boys & Girls, With Meanings
Translation for 'my name is' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. Context sentences for "my name is" in German. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content.How to say My name is in German. Mein Name ist Lucas.. More Examples of My name is in German Meinen Namen kennen alle in meiner Schule.My Name Is (German translation). Artist: Eminem. Proofreading requested. German translationGerman. A A.Now you try. You might also say, "My name is, what's yours? Ich heisse, wie heisst du? Now you try. And that's how to say, "My name is..."Key Concepts: Terms in this set (26). Hallo. Hello. wie heisst du? What is your name? mein name ist. her name is. ich bin. I am. du bist. You are (Singular). er ist.
These examples might include impolite phrases in accordance with your seek.
These examples might include colloquial words in response to your search.
Suggest an example
Mrs Aelvoet has discussed my name 3 times.
Mein Name wurde hier drei Mal von Frau Aelvoet genannt.I heard somebody call my name.
And my name is Alexandra Menchikova.
Und mein Name ist Alexandra Menchikowa, aber mein Vater nennt mich Sascha.Anything in my name can be seized.
I'm surprised you even remembered my name.
My name is Helmer. Consultant neurosurgeon.
Mein Name ist Helmer, Oberarzt in der Neurochirurgie.All of historical past will be mindful my name.
In der ganzen Geschichte wird guy sich an meinen Namen erinnern.My name's Marianne Portal, née Elbert.
Ich heiße Marianne Portal, geborene Elbert und so fing alles an.My name is Rex Matherson representing the Central Intelligence Agency.
Mein Name ist Rex Matheson und ich vertrete die Central Intelligence Agency.My name is Kaylie Ann Russell.
Someone the use of my name attacked him.
Ran, modified my name, began once more.
Bin weggelaufen, habe meinen Namen geändert, fing nochmal neu an.Shatha, my name is Carrie Orser.
Shatha, ich bin Carrie Orser. Ich kannte vor einiger Zeit deinen Vater.My name is Sister Marie Therese Francine Dubois.
Ich bin wirklich froh, hier zu sein, mein Name ist Schwester Marie Therese Francine DuBois.Who knows me with out realizing my name.
Sie, die von mir weiß, ohne zu wissen, wie ich heiß.My name is Dimitri from Odessa.
You cleared my name, brother.
Certainly no longer why I changed my name.
Das ist sicherlich nicht der Grund, weshalb ich meinen Namen geändert habe.Remember, my name is Veselchak.
You've never spoken my name before.
Sie haben mich noch nie vorher beim Namen genannt.The German Language by Martin Allen

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